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5 tips for working from home


March 28, 2020

As I am writing this we are in the midst of the Coronavirus and a lot of people including myself are now working from home. So I figured I would share a few tips that I have found to help me be more productive and stay focused while making this change.

Set Boundaries:

Make sure you set work hours still and stick to them. One thing that has helped me to is to make a checklist of my top 3-5 items I need to accomplish for the day, during those set hours. Remind your friends and family you are free for lunch or after 5pm (or whatever hours you designate for yourself).

Making a to do list- helps prevent failure, be more effective, and helps you feel accomplished.

Have A Morning Routine:

Get up each morning like you would if you were going into the office. Get ready for the day, get dressed (I know it can be tempting to stay in those PJ’s), and eat good breakfast.

Also now that you are not commuting to work you can you use that extra time to stretch, exercise, meditate, or read a book.

Dedicate A Space:

Dedicate a space that specific for just working, during those work hours. This a space where you won’t get distracted. Complete silence kind of distracts me, so I like to play music or have a podcast going while I work.

Get Out:

Make time to meet up with friends for lunch or coffee. Getting out and taking a break is essential. If you think about it if you were in the office you would be taking those breaks. It really helps with the mental health.

One thing that helps me is to plan on working for 90 mins and then taking a 30 min break. I can stay more focused knowing that if I work hard for the next 90 mins I will be getting a break.

Put Your Phone Away:

Dedicate time during the day to socialize on you home and use social media. Try to avoid getting on social media while working during your dedicated hours. This will help you be more productive.


Working from home can be a good or bad thing, It really all depends on you. One bonus I have found that it can give you more time to focus on your passion projects. Blogging, social media, etc.


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